AntiBible Forum FAQ

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About This FAQ Site

My handle on Delphi Forums is "PsiCop" (PSICOP278). You can see me on Delphi, or email me at

All Bible quotes used in this site, are in English, and are marked as to their version (KJV for King James, for instance).

This FAQ was composed using HTML-Kit, and is compatible with the HTML 4 standard, so it should look good in any moderately recent browser.

Why a FAQ?

The AntiBible Forum on Delphi has been around for a few years. In that time, a lot of information has been discussed.

As new people come in, they commonly go over ground that those who've been in the forum a long time, have already discussed in detail. So, in an effort to save them from having to go over the same material multiple times, we've attempted to package it all here.

The AntiBible Philosophy

We look at the Bible with a critical eye, and a skeptical viewpoint. This offends many people. If you are someone who is offended by such a view, then perhaps this forum isn't for you.

Why "Anti-"Bible?

In our view, the Bible is a collection of documents, about which a great many beliefs have been constructed. Unfortunately, many of those beliefs have no relation to reality, and often have little to do with the actual content of the Bible. This has created an atmosphere of rigid, ferocious, religious dogma, which in many ways is harmful to society.

We think everyone would be far better off, if they read the Bible for what it is, and not for what they think it is; if they read its actual contents without filtering its words through their beliefs.

So the term "Anti-Bible" is admittedly a misnomer. We aren't "against" the Bible. It is a book, and all by itself, does nothing. We are, however, concerned with some of the things that people do with it.

If you think you can handle this, by all means, have a go at the AntiBible Forum! But first, please, look at the documents in this FAQ site. You'll find they're helpful in understanding our views.