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Resources on the Internet
Here are a number of resources for you, on the Internet, so that you can study these Biblical issues, on your own. Some are skeptical, some are not, but all are useful references, in one way or another.
- Online Bibles
All of these sites contain multiple translations of the Bible, and all but the last allows searching Bible text.
- The Unbound Bible Contains the Apocrypha, or Deutero-Canonical, Old Testament books; searching is a bit crude, but is the only way to read the Bible
- Bible.Com Not nearly as many versions as the above, but a little more user-friendly; you can read the Bible without having to enter a search
- Bible Study Tools / Crosswalk Contains a number of tools, including commentaries on verses, etc.
- World Wide Study Bible Doesn't allow searching, but does provide other writings concerning Bible passages — e.g. Chrysostom's sermons, Darby's commentary, etc.; useful for exegetes
- Shay's Bible Links A forum message containing many links to Bible sites, most believer-oriented, but all excellent resources
- Skeptical Bible Surveys
- Skeptic's Annotated Bible An in-depth examination of Biblical contradictions, and what the Bible actually says about many issues — an incredible resource!
- Skeptic's View of Christianity Covers material similar to the above, but more topically-oriented, by an ex-Christian
- The Jefferson Bible Yes, that's the Thomas Jefferson; he distilled out of the Bible the actual teachings of Jesus, leaving out the dogma about him
- Bible Babble Less comprehensive than the first two, but has a lot to say about Biblical misinterpretation
- Bible Problems
- Biblical Languages
These are all sites which will teach Biblical languages, for free; it's not as hard as you think
- Catholic Resources
Since we concern ourselves frequently with the Biblical period (from Hebrew times through the first few centuries CE), and the writings of the Church Fathers, the following resources are useful for any Christian, whether Orthodox, Protestant or Catholic
- Catholic Encyclopedia This is a 1908 edition, which sounds obsolete, but is actually current enough for our purposes
- The Church Fathers Fairly comprehensive online archive of the writings of the many Church Fathers
- Early Christian History
- The Origins of Christianity States the case for the "Mythical Christ" theory — rather strongly!
- Dennis's History of Christianity A medieval historian's explanation of the beginning of Christianity, the creation of orthodoxy and the condemnation of heresy
- The Jesus Puzzle Another historian dissects the Christ "mythology" and finds no actual figure behind it; asserts that Paul, more than anyone, helped ignite Christianity
- Jesus, A Historical Reconstruction Yet another historian attempts to find "the Real Christ" behind the mythical one, and finds one, but claims Paul eclipsed him
- The Scriptorium Covers the ascetic Judaic movements of the last century BCE and the first century CE, and how they influenced Christianity
- Biblical Scholarship
- The Jesus Seminar Forum The "Jesus Seminar" is a collection of New Testament scholars devoted to discerning the "Real Christ" out of Christian writings
- Historical-Critical Method An examination of the prevailing methods of scholarly examination of the Bible
- The Synoptic Problem and Q An explanation of "the synoptic problem," what Q was and wasn't, and the problem's implications
- Synoptic Gospels Primer Another examination of "the synopic problem," going over various theories and possibilities
- Gnosticism & Its Impact
Gnosticism, now considered a "lost" heresy, was once part and parcel of Christianity. As such, it had a powerful influence over Christianity's origins, and echoes of it remain in the Bible
- Biblical Translations
These are all examinations of the various English translations of the Bible, who created them and why, and their relative advantages and disadvantages; some are scholarly, while others are by laymen (or -women)
- Believers' Sites These are truly funny; I included them for contrast, and to show what (some) Christians actually think
- Theology Resources
- General Wisdom
These are here simply because I decided to include them